1. Know your target audience for each social media platform. We use Twitter, Facebook and Instagram mainly at Theater Company of Lafayette but we approach each of them a little differently. Each of our audiences on those platforms are slightly different but there is also an overall customer for each business so it’s important to know your overall demographic and demographic for each. Our Instagram, for instance, is our youngest demographic so we use more interactive content like stories and questions.
2. Be thankful. Did someone comment on a photo saying how much they liked it? Or an audience member raved on a facebook post about your current production? Make sure you thank them. Don’t ignore your audience if you want to keep them.
3. Make sure you are responding to all direct messages on social. These can be easy to ignore on Facebook especially but ignoring them can cost you customers and using them can help you gain more community.
4. Just because you’re talking business doesn’t mean you need to sound dry. Remember your theater’s personality and unique characteristics and decide what voice sounds right. Some great voice inspiration on twitter include: @BeetlejuiceBway and @hadestown.
5. Ask for reviews or check-ins on social media. Not only does it increase your reach but it also makes your audience feel like their opinions and presence matters.
6. On the review note, if you get a negative one, handle it with grace. Be thankful for their feedback and respond as directly and as timely as possible. We all make mistakes, how we handle our mistakes separates the exceptional from the average. This simple act of hearing your audience shows the rest of your audience that you truly care, therefore building loyalty.
7. Ask customers if you can use their content about your product. Using customer’s content helps them to remember you and feel more welcomed.
8. Speaking of customers, your regulars on social media will feel more a part of your community if you recognize them as part of your community. We like to thank people when they comment and if they are regular commenters or audience members thank them for their continued support.
How does your theater company encourage community on social media?
We’d love to know. Come join us for our next #StageChat on Twitter next Monday, November 11 at 11am MTN and 1pm EST, to discuss Building Your Theater’s Community on Social Media. We hope to see you there.