TCL in COVID Times: Munam Goodwyn

On or about January 2020, the world stood still and terrified—A new coronavirus, called COVID-19 struck. In one fell swoop, the world froze in the uncertainty while no cure or preventive measure was at hand. Performance arts productions were canceled. Directors and actors as well as whole production crews are hit with directives to socially distance from one another. Theaters …

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Wanda June: A word from the director and an update on the process.

Kurt Vonnegut’s only play, Happy Birthday, Wanda June opens in a week from today, on Valentine’s Day. The actors are hard at rest this Friday night while the crew is working on their final steps to get their jobs prepared for the show. Costumers Harris Armstrong and Hannah Richards are sewing and collecting the rest of the costumes. Lighting designer …